Property and industrial parks

Property and industrial parks

The operation of industrial parks is a priority sector for Pannon Group, along with property development more broadly.

The efficient property management services of Pannova Industrial Park significantly improve its clients’ competitiveness, attracting successful businesses into the Southern Transdanubia region.

STRABIL Kft develops Pannova Industrial Park and provides comprehensive services to the businesses established there. In the two decades since its establishment in 2004, the company has gained a wealth of experience developing and operating industrial properties.

Pannova Industrial Park is a property development project delivered by STRABIL Kft by the south-western foothills of Mecsek Mountains.

The industrial park boasts several beneficial characteristics. Due to its location at a reasonable distance from residential areas, there are no restrictions on the types of activities businesses operating on the site can engage in.

Strabil Kft intends to expand its activities across Hungary and neighbouring countries in the estate management of industrial parks and in assisting clients through business consulting relating to the estate management of industrial properties.

The company greatly emphasises its activities to secure Hungarian and foreign investors for industrial parks. To this end, we have established partnerships with such prominent organisations as the Hungarian Federation of Scientific, Technological and Industrial Parks, the Association of Industrial Parks, the Southern Transdanubian Regional Association of Employers and Industrialists, the University of Pécs and several trade associations.

Pannova Industrial Park

Property and business development

Competitive services

Pannova Industrial Park offers a site with great potential for utilisation along with competitive services aimed at supporting our clients’ businesses. The companies operating within the industrial park also enjoy collaboration and successful lobbying opportunities.

The company monitors market analyses on a daily basis and conducts surveys to understand demand better and develop its services accordingly. These activities help ensure that the service offering is developed and clients’ businesses are supported at all times according to current market requirements.

The service development approach adopted by Pannova Industrial Park covers creating and developing support services that help new businesses establish their presence in an industrial park, develop cooperation networks between industrial parks, and set up clusters.

The networks set up by Pannova Industrial Park and effective collaboration with other market actors and industrial parks across the region also enhance our clients’ competitiveness.

 Property management

The primary focus of Pannova Industrial Park is the utilisation and sale of the industrial and commercial properties situated on the site it owns, which currently occupies 53 hectares. Strabil Kft also emphasises identifying and selling other potential industrial sites.

The company aims to create opportunities for concentrated industrial manufacturing activities that support long-term development and promote the migration of small and medium businesses and large corporations into the region.

Pannova Industrial Park also provides professional support for innovation initiatives and, thanks to its competitive services, has the potential to become an essential enabler of business development.

Pannova Industrial Park’s strategy for attracting and moving in new businesses has been developed to ensure that investors’ requirements for utilities and space can be met to the fullest possible extent.

Pannon Group currently has the following properties available for utilisation

Industrial site
in Kővágószőlős

Standing buildings, an entire office complex and construction plots within an industrial park with a total area of 56 hectares, with access by rail and public road.

industrial site

This property comprises six buildings and occupies 4,455 square metres on a site with a total area of 43,321 square metres.

Siklósi Road,

Unbuilt plot with a total area of 70,000 square metres.

Edison Street,

Unbuilt business or industrial site with a total area of 54,142 square metres.

Álmos Street,

Three halls, a workshop, and four cranes on a site with a total area of 1.1256 hectares.